Friday, 13 April 2012

Schrodingers cat.......

Irwin Schrodinger is renowned for many things in the Physics world, I personally find the "super-positioned cat" a great yet fundamentally key concept of his work.

Here goes:

You have a bunker with one door to it, no windows, a cat on the inside and some dodgy gun powder that has a 50% chance of exploding in the next 30 seconds, if it goes off the cat dies. Now, you cannot tell if the gun powder has exploded or not unless you open the door and look into the bunker.

So if you were to conduct this experiment 100 times, the cat would be alive 50 times and sadly it would be dead 50 times.

However, thinking about whats going on a bit more in-depthly, the cat is BOTH alive and dead until you open the door because you have no other way of knowing if its dead or not as you don't know if the gun powder has exploded. Therefore the cat is in a SUPER-POSITION as we don't know its fate.

So, our curiosity effectively KILLS the cat. You opening the door confirms its either dead or alive.

Now the cats perspective. If the cat sees the gun powder go off, it obviously dies, if it doesn't, it lives. So the cats reality becomes entangled with the experiment and its our observation of the experiment that forces nature to collapse to an outcome. We are like the cat though as we have 2 possible outcomes - alive or dead - so who is observing us to force nature to collapse to one reality? This is one of the greatest unanswered questions of physics.

Thank you for reading :-)

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