Monday 8 October 2012

Why wood rots

Wood, or rather the inside of wood, is a bit like tonnes of tubes that are attached via "doors" which are spaced-out amongst the tubes.

These tubes are are actually the walls of living cells, they have however been dead for a long time and literally only the skeleton remains. The hollow tubes, the cell walls, are the skeleton of those cells.

Fungi, attach themselves to wood and secrete enzymes which literally eat their way through the wood. As they eat they destroy the "doors" between the tubes and this creates vast open gaps in the wood, making it POROUS!

This allows water to invade the open spaces of the wood as it is absorbed through the pores that have been made by the fungi.

This makes the wood HUMID which actually helps fungal growth, which in-turn makes the wood decay quicker.

As the wood becomes more porous it also starts supporting bacterial growth aswell as they too favour these conditions. Fungi and bacteria team-up and eat through the soft SUMMER growth rings and then the harder WINTER growth rings until there's no more wood!


Adam :-) X

Monday 1 October 2012

Time really does fly when you're having fun!

Yes it's true! When you're care-free and happy, life seems to fly-by!

Your brain typically transposes 30 images a second - this is standard and allows you to digest info and go about your daily business.

However, when you are stressed or under pressure, your brain THINKS more, which makes sense as often you are searching for an answer to a predicament that you have or worrying yourself over something.

Now, because the brain is more ACTIVE in these cases it is digesting MORE info!! You are making your brain WORK harder, giving it more information.

This actually makes TIME seem to SLOW down!! SEEM is a strong word.

In many cases, this is how your BRAIN literally saves you from making a bad decision, if you are given a short time-span to make a decision.

Being trapped in an inferno, averting a collision, catching something are all examples of where your BRAIN appears to slow time down, thus you feeling like you're given extra-time to make a decision.

Your BRAIN is definitely transposing way more than 30 images a second in these cases. More images = more frames of reference = more decision opportunities.

Many thanks

Adam :-) X